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Shark Liver Oil AKG20 AKG35 AKG60
Shark liver oil is natural fish oil that has not been subjected to any chemical alterations, only refining. The oil is normally taken in capsule form. Shark liver oil differs from many other common fish oils regarding the content of the omega-3 fatty acids which is very low for shark liver oil.
Products available:
- Shark liver oil AKG20
- Shark liver oil AKG35
- Shark liver oil AKG60
Shark Liver Oil from MASI Trading is manufactured from liver oil (derived from non-endangered species only). It is available as a straw-coloured, translucent liquid in 205L drums.
Product Information
Shark liver oil AKG20 | Europe | 205L Drum | |
Shark liver oil AKG35 | Europe | 205L Drum | |
Shark liver oil AKG60 | Europe | 205L Drum |